Creating a personal finance plan is important from any age to ensure that you have money tucked away that you can easily access “for a rainy day”, to pay for life’s big events such as getting married or getting a deposit together for a house. These generally consist of low-risk bank or building society accounts including ISAs that earn a level of interest each month or year.
Investments are a long term, higher risk strategy that can make your money work harder for you to produce either growth or income. You may have received inherited capital, proceeds from maturing life policies, bonuses, dividends, or other monies that need careful reinvestment.
AE Thomson Ltd work with you to assess your attitude to risk, your previous knowledge and experience of investing to determine what type of investor you are and then find the right investment solution for you to achieve your goals. It is highly recommended that an individual’s investment affairs are kept under review in the ever-changing market and economic conditions. AE Thomson Ltd can offer you different levels of ongoing service to help provide peace of mind and ensuring the investments continue to meet your objectives.
Please be aware that investment values can fall as well as rise and past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance!